IZAYU HERBS PRIVATE LIMITED’s core values are the guiding principles behind our remarkable growth, helping us become one of India’s leading herbal care companies.
To join IZAYU HERBS PRIVATE LIMITED, the minimum age limit for members is 18 years.
Free joining/registration – anyone can join our company by filling out the registration form and become an Inactive Member or Red ID.
To become an Active Member and receive additional benefits, you need to Green your ID.
To activate your Member ID or Green ID, you must provide a valid receipt from a company registered outlet, franchisee center, or online.
Direct Sellers or any interested person are strictly prohibited from depositing any sum into the company account for purchasing products or any other purpose.
Payments should be made at the company’s registered outlet, franchisee center, or online at the time of receiving the product only.
Once you become Green, you will be eligible for all payouts under our terms and conditions.
The admin will generate a pin, and members can top up their IDs using the desired E-pin only.